Sculptures in the Archives

The galleries of the Elisabet Ney Museum are home to some of Ney's most pivotal and impressive works. Visitors of all ages have enjoyed strolling through the studio home since the museum's inception, and each piece of art reveals something new about the famous sculptor. 

But the sculptures on display are not the extent of the museum's collections. 

In the archives of the museum, which few have had opportunity to explore, one can find incredible treasures. Many of the pieces in the archives are study models or maquettes of larger sculptures living in the galleries above, including Lady Macbeth and Stephen Fuller Austin. 


Scroll through the gallery of sculptures below, and click on the image if you want to learn more information about the object or want to see more photographs. 

On the next page of this exhibit, you will be able to view Textiles and Artifacts also found within the Elisabet Ney Museum's archives.